M e n c a r i R e d h a I L a h i
Friday, February 23, 2007


Assalamu'alaikum wbt,

Munajat (Arabic) - Sami Yusuf

Wahdi fi dhulmati layli
Fi wahshati darbi
Hammi yuthqiluni
Dhanbi yu'limuni

Alone, in the darkness of my night
In the loneliness of my path
My worries weigh me down
My sins pain me

Wahdi, ad'uka wa arju
Min dhanbi ashku
Mali siwak
Ana fi himak

Alone, I supplicate to You and I hope
From my sins I complain
I have no one but You
I am at Your door

Farham 'abdan najak
Ya Allah, ya Allah
Anta alraja
Minka alhuda
Ya Allah, ya Allah

So forgive a servant who intimately calls You
O Allah, O Allah
You are all hope, From You is guidance
O Allah, O Allah

Rabbahu hudak
Ma ziltu asir
Wa'alal 'isyan
Ma 'udtu qadir
Fa'anir durubi
Waghfir dhunubi
Fa'anal faqir

O Allah give me your guidance
For I am still imprisoned
Of disobedience I am no longer capable
So illuminate my paths and forgive my sins
For I am poor and in need of You

Qad 'adal qalbu
Fiddarbi yasir
Farihan mushtaqan
Lillahi yatir
Wa rajahu ridhaka
Yawma liqaka
Antal qadir

My heart has returned to walk on the path
Full of joy and longing, flying to God
And its only hope is gaining your pleasure
On the day of meeting You
You are the Omnipotent

* * * * *

Taken from Medicine of The Prophet (Tibb an-Nabawi)by Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyya, Chapter 23, page 88, published by Islamic Text Society.

Treatment of the Sick by Reassurance and Encouragement

Ibn Maja relates in his Sunan, from a hadith of Abu Said Al-Khudri, that the Messenger of God s.a.w. said: 'When you go in to a sick person, reassure him concerning his appointed life-span; for that does not contradict the decree, and it sets the patient's mind at ease.'

This hadith contains one of the most noble of all kinds of treatment. This is guidance to whatever will invigorate the soul of the patient, through words which will strengthen his constitution, revive his strength and increase his innate heat. The soul and the innate heat will assist each other to repel or alleviate the illness, which is the aim of the physician.

Giving joy to the patient's soul, and bringing pleasure to his heart and whatever will make him happy will have a wonderful effect in curing and alleviating his illness. For the vital spirits and the faculties grow strong thereby and they assist the constitution in repelling harmful agent. People have seen the faculties of many of the sick revived at the visit of one whom they love and hold in respect, by seeing such people, by the gracious treatment they are given and their talking with them. That is one of the advantages of visiting the sick. Visiting the sick has four kinds of advantages, one that returns to the patient, one to the person who visits, one to the family of the patient, one to people in general.

It has already been mentioned, concerning the guidance of the Prophet s.a.w, that he used to enquire of the patient what was his trouble and how he felt. He would ask him about what he desired, and would place his hand on his forehead, and sometimes place it at the centre of his chest. He would make supplication for him, and would prescribe for him what would benefit him in his illness. Sometimes he would say to the patient: 'No harm shall come to you, only purification, by the Will of God.' That is the most perfect of treatment, courtesy and consolation.

"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 1:08 am"

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Assalamu'alaikum wbt...

Harap maaf, blog under construction...tak bleh la nak speed abiskan penstrukturan semula blog sebab bz...harap maklum...

"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 6:19 am"

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Peringatan buat diri sendiri:

61:2 O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not?

61:3 Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not



Segala puji bagi-Mu Tuhan.
Lantaran telah menjadikan aku seorang wanita...
Kiranya aku menjadi seorang isteri
Kurniakanlah padaku kekuatan
Menjadi tulang belakang seorang suami... seorang mujahid
Pengembang perjuangan di sayap kiri
Diadun dengan kelembutan
Menjadi teman sejati...
Sahabat setia penyejuk mata
Pembina semangat dan penguat jiwa
Seanggun peribadi Siti Khadijah
Ketenangan Baginda Rasulullah utusan Allah

Bebas jiwa dari belanggu keperempuanan
Yang memiliki sembilan nafsu
Merdeka dari kepentingan peribadi
Setulus Siti Fatimah yang sering ditinggalkan suaminya, Saidina Ali
Dihantar pemergiannya tanpa ditanya
Bilakah pulang?
Disambut kepulangannya dengan khidmat dan kemanisan
Bersulamkan kemesraan
Rumahtangga adalah syurga
Wadah suburnya cinta ketuhanan Ubudiyyah
Akal yang tunggal tidak dibiarkan
Hanya berlegar dicelahan periuk belanga
Disebalik lipatan lampin anak
Menjangkau kebangkitan Islam dialam sejagat
Menjadi pentadbir disebalik tabir !!!

Namun Ya Tuhan
Siapalah daku untuk memiliki
Watak wanita solehah pendamping Nabi
Dek berkaratnya mazmumah yang bersarang dihati
Maka kurniakanlah daku sekeping hati yang sentiasa Insaf
Hak seorang suami
Tidakkan mungkin kupenuhi
Biar telahku jilat nanahnya yang berlelehan
Biar telahku tadahkan wajahku
Buat mengesat debu ditelapak kakinya
Dan sememangnya aku mengimpikan
Watak seorang ibu
Yang bakal melahirkan
Putera-putera secekal Mus'ab bin Umar
Menggadai dunia demi kasih Tuhannya
Segigih Zubair Ibnu Awwaam
Yang diangkat Rasul sebagai hawarijnya
Hasil didikan seorang wanita bergelar ibu..
Jua memiliki puteri setabah Masyitah
Rela direbus demi mempertahankan iman
Atau sesuci Maryam seluruh hidupnya
Mengabdikan diri kepada Tuhan

Meskipun daku bukan ibunya
Yang memiliki peribadi semurni Siti Fatimah
Ibu Syeikh Abdul Kadir Jailani
Yang tiap titis darah mampu berzikir kehadrat Ilahi
Mudah-mudahan zuriatku
Bakal menampilkan
Mujahid-mujahid yang rindu memburu syahid
Serikandi-serikandi yang mampu memakmurkan
Mukabumi Allah...
Dengan ketaqwaan.. kesolehan

Yang saling berkorban dan dikorbankan
Buat menyemarakkan
Islam diakhir zaman
Sebagaimana kisah seorang ibu
Yang telah kematian
Putera-puteranya dimedan jihad

"Mereka telah berbahagia sebagaimana aku bahagia
aduhai... kiranya aku punya seorang anak lagi
kurelakan dia turut gugur dijalan Ilahi"

Dan seandainya daku ditakdirkan kehilangan mereka
Setenang Ummu Faisal...
Yang tidak menjadikan kematian
Suami dan anak-anaknya
Halangan kecintaan pada-Mu Ya Ilahi...

Redhalah daku yang dhaif ini sebagai hamba-Mu
Inilah pengaduan harap dan munajat
Kiranya kekasih-Mu sendiri pernah menyatakan
"kulihat kebanyakan dari isi neraka itu adalah wanita..."



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Asma ALlah by Sami Yusuf



Kembali ke Leeds

Sebuah Novel Drama

Moral yang merudum

AQ peringkat akhir musim kedua

Negaraku merdeka

Damai bertemu keluarga



*Ustaz Hasrizal
*Malaysia Today
*Faisal Tehrani


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