Thursday, March 30, 2006
HEPI =)Assalamu'alaikum...
Alhamdulillah, entah nape hari ni happy? sebab dapat jalan2 gi hyde park dan melihat bunga-bunga berkembangan...dapat chat ngan yong...dapat tgk gambar yong grad...gambar latest mak dan ayah....dan gambar sepupu2 yg comot2 belaka makan aiskrim..huhu...dan dapat lagu mercy like the rain!!
gembira sebab spring telah tiba...nanti byk2 bunga...pasti dapat menikmati ciptaan ALlah s.w.t dan sekaligus mengingatkan kita kepada kebesaranNYA...sangat gembira...jom menghayati lagu MERCY LIKE THE RAIN nih...betapa byk rahmat ALlah s.w.t kat kite..lagu ni dinyanyikan oleh kumpulan SHAAM [kumpulan nasyid UK]...slamat menghayati...
gambar ni ana edit sendiri...maaf la kalau buruk...

Mercy like the rain is falling down
Mercy like the rain is falling down
Can you feel the rain is falling down, falling down?
Mercy like the angels in the rain
Mercy like the sun, the moon, the stars
Blossoming flowers, bearing fruits
Showing us the greatness of Allah
Mercy like the faith that shines within us
Mercy like the prayers that Allah answers
How it gives purpose to our lives
Helping us strive for paradise
Mercy like the smile for one another
Mercy like the kindness for each other
O how it takes sadness from our hearts
Spreading God's love throughout the world
Mercy like the Messenger of Allah
Mercy like the Qur'an from Allah
Truthful, generous, wise and kind
Bringing Allah's words to mankind
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 1:09 am"
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
ana pun tak tahu kenapa ana minat sangat la bab child development nih...mcm best...sbb ana tak de adik...tak pernah dapat perhati betul2 pergerakan budak2 kecik nih...kalau ade pun sepupu...tu pun tak de la duduk lama2 sangat kat umah tu...kalau yg kecik2 under dua tahun, tak pernah pun tido kat umah..ikut mak diorang balik la...yg besar2 (5-12 tahun) selalu jugak la tido...
Dalam Piaget's learning theory ni, ana tertarik dengan Stage 2: The pre-operational stage (2-5 years)...tak pernah test kat mcm balik cuti ni rase2 mcm nak test je..hehe..[tak de keje]..
waktu stage nih, biasanya budak2 dah ade beberapa idea kat dalam fikiran...tapi mereka tak dapat satukan idea2 nih...menjadikan interpretation diorang jadi salah tentang sesuatu perkara...untuk menjelaskan lagi keadaan, lihat gambar2 di bawah:
Both have about the same amount of clay

Which has most clay now?

Sungguh kagum dengan perkembangan otak ciptaan ALlah nih...dari tak tahu pape bile kuar dari perut mak, sehinggalah dapat associate simbol sebagai mewakili sesuatu benda dan menggabungkan idea2 yg ada untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah...hmm...subhanaLlah...tak mungkin sume ini dijadikan by chance...kan?
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 6:34 am"
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
JANGAN BERSEDIHAssalamu'alaikum...
Jangan Bersedih...Cinta Rasulullah Menjamin Kebahagiaan
Jangan Bersedih...Redha Dengan Anugerah Allah Membuat Anda Terkaya di Dunia
Jangan Bersedih...Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penerima Taubat serta Rahmatnya Maha Luas
Jangan Bersedih...Semata-mata Kerana Anda Berbeza dengan Orang lain
Jangan Bersedih...Bila Disakiti, Dicela, Direndahkan atau Dizalimi
Jangan Bersedih Sesungguhnya Setelah Kesusahan Akan Ada Kemudahan
Jangan Bersedih...Kerana Kesedihan Anda akan Membuat Musuh Anda Gembira
Jangan Bersedih...Atas Perilaku Manusia Terhadapmu Tetapi Perhatikanlah Perilaku Mereka Terhadap Allah
Jangan Bersedih...Allah Tidak Akan Mensia-siakan Pengorbananmu
Jangan Bersedih, Dunia ini Terlalu Hina Untuk Ditangisi
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 7:04 am"
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Friday, March 24, 2006
DENGAR JANGAN TAK DENGAR"Meneladani Kejatuhan Khalifah Othmaniyah 3 Mac 1924"
Date: 26th March 2006 (Sun)
Time: 11am - 1pm (Msian Time)
Speaker: Ust. Hasrizal bin Abd Jamil
(Q&A session will be available at the end of talk session)
Send your ID to
listen to live streaming at
kworldclub radio session
(sun 25th March, 11am - 1pm Msian Time)
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 5:41 pm"
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Why? Why can't people distinguish between these two things? Why muslim women are often seen to be oppressed? Why don't people search the true islam? and why we as muslims can't even explain fundamental things to other people? why, why and why??? Is it because of ignorance?
haih...tertekan2 dgn keadaan dunia zaman ini...kite pulak tak sedar2...termasukla penaip ini...berusahalah kita sume, persiapkanlah diri dgn segala keperluan yg perlu agar words of ALlah akan tersebar kat muka bumi nih. Jangan nanti kat akhirat kite menyesal, bile kita ditarik ke neraka oleh orang2 yg mengatakan, "Si pulan Bin Si Pulan / Si pulanah Binti Si Pulanah tak pernah pun bagi tahu aku pasal nih. Walaupun die sebenarnya ada kemampuan dan kapasiti berbuat sedemikian!"
mencarilah beza antara equity dan equality...No one knows it better than the Creator Himself. For He is the Sole Designer of the universe, the Creator of man and woman, Who alone has the definite knowledge about how human should best treat each other, Who knows the very purpose of our existence.
Oppression of Muslim women
There is some truth in what these women had seen. Muslim girls, in countries such as France, Singapore and even Turkey, not allowed to go to school with their head coverings suffer oppression. Girls deprived of their rights to education, to speak their minds, girls forced into arranged marriages, women suffering domestic violence, honour killings, so on and so forth, are oppressed.
One could perhaps give non-Muslims the excuse for oppressing Muslim women due to their lack of understanding, their fear of the unknown, and even blame the sources of their information. Yet when Muslims oppress Muslim women, one must make a distinction between what constitute cultural practices and what is in the religion. The Islamic teachings are not always practised by Muslims. Many cultural practices, even beliefs, are sexist. Throughout history, up till now, millions of women still suffer oppression. Muslim men who ill-treat their womenfolk lack understanding in the essence of Islamic teachings. They often quote verses out of context and use them to oppress women. These men are experts in claiming their rights, but are rather ignorant in fulfilling their rights towards their wives and daughters. As long as one continues to remain in a state of ignorance, the problem will persist. These people will never be able to do justice to a religion that came to liberate the weaker members of the society, namely, the women, the poor and the downtrodden from tyranny and injustice.
The status of women in IslamWhat does Islam say about women?Let me take you back to more than 14 and half centuries ago. Women in the pre-Islamic Arabia were among the most despised, ill-treated and oppressed of all. Families would dig a hole in the ground at the time a woman was giving birth, and as soon as the baby was born and had its gender identified, one of two decisions would be made. If the baby was a girl, she would be buried there and then; if it was a boy, the family would rejoice and celebrate!
Regarding this evil practice, Allah gave severe warnings to those who took part in this monstrous crime in a number of places in the Qur'an, that they will, on the day of Judgment, be questioned as to why the baby girls were murdered in this manner? Those people will surely have to suffer the consequences of their evil doings. (At-Takwir 81:8, 9, 14).
In reality, more and more women are attracted to Islam, partly due to the status Islam gives to women. Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations commented that the majority of converts are from the African American community and women of European heritage. (O'Crowley, 1999) (
In Australia, it was believed that 4 out 5 converts are women. (Buckley, Salam 1995)
Allow me to share some evidences from the authentic sources of Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an, the words of God, and hadith, which are narrations from the teachings, sayings and actions of the Prophet (pbuh).
In a hadith, narrated by Al-Mughira: The Prophet (pbuh) said: Allah (swt) has forbidden for you
to be undutiful to your mother2.
to bury your daughters alive3. not to pay the rights of the others (charity etc.)
4. to beg of men (when it can be avoided).
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Hadith no. 591)
Right to attain pietyUnlike women in the Jewish and Christian teachings (,
Islam gave women absolute equal opportunity as men to attain piety. The emphasis is unmistakably clear in the following verse in the Qur’an:
"Verily, the Muslims men and women, the believers men and women, the men and women who are obedient, the men and women who are truthful, the men and women who are patient, the men and women who are humble, the men and women who fast, the men and women who guard their chastity and the men and women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward." (33:35)· Specifically mentions the nouns in the masculine and feminine form to dispel any confusion
· Criteria to attain piety
· Equal opportunity to strive for Paradise
Right to choose marriage partner and the right to fair treatment:"O ye who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, with them on a footing of kindness and equity if ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good." (4:19)
The Prophet (pbuh) in his attempt to abolish the unfair treatment of girls among the Arabs, left a number of narrations that
"daughters were to be cherished, educated and supported until they reached the age of maturity: the reward for doing this was to be no less than Paradise." (Al-Khattab, 1997, p.34).
Right to educationThe Prophet (pbuh) said: "There is no poverty worse than ignorance" He also said: "Seek knowledge from cradle to grave." Most importantly, he said, "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." (be it man or woman) (Ibn Majah)
He set aside special days to instruct women alone, and other days for open learning. Hundreds and thousands of men and women were uplifted and empowered by the gift of knowledge. Some of the great scholars in the Muslim world were students of women. One of the most prominent scholars among the early Muslims, was
Aisha bint Abu Bakr (ra), who alone narrated 2210 prophetic teachings and sayings. There were only two other men during her time who could compete with her in this field of knowledge. She was held in extremely high regards where 2 of the famous jurists would always rely on Aisha’s authority of the narrations. It was said that one fourth of the injunctions of the Shari’ah are narrated from her. Her knowledge influenced the arena of politics, jurisprudence and the Islamic scholarship in general (Doi, 1989, pp. 140-141).
Two other examples from the learned women in history:
Asma bint Yazeed (ra), was an Ansari woman who learnt a great deal in Islamic knowledge and was known among Muslim men and women as a scholar of her time. (Badawi, Islam in focus, G:20, audio)
Rufia bint Saad Al-Aslami, founded the first Islamic Nursing school and clinic and laid down the first code of Nursing rules and ethics in the world 12 centuries before Florence Nightingale was conceived (Hussein, 1981).
Right to work in a field one excelsFor some reason, when it comes to woman wanting to learn a "male dominant" subject, she is frowned upon, largely by Muslims. She gets told that her place is in the home and her duties are to look after her husband and children. We are repeatedly being reminded of these duties, that having interests outside these arenas are being made to look sinful. But look at the most pious of men, the Prophet himself, and his companions, who have the first hand understanding of the religion. They valued women's talents of their time as much as that of men's and that was why the Islamic civilization reached its peak in the centuries to follow. As Dr. Tariq Suweidan, speaker at the 2002 FAMSY annual conference once said, "you cannot build a nation hopping on one leg". A lot of the restrictions on women did not come from Islam but from ignorance.
During the time of the second Khalifah, Umar ibn al-Khattab, a woman by the name of
Umm Shefa bint Abdullah (Badawi, Islam in focus, G:20, audio), proved herself to be outstanding in her fairness in business dealings that she was appointed by Umar to supervise business transactions in the market, in order to make sure that no one cheated or acted in dishonesty. To translate this into today's terms it could be similar to the work of a public and consumer affairs officer.
If we take a closer look at this situation, we can say that even in a field that is predominantly run by men, a woman with outstanding ability was being appreciated, where her judgment and decision was respected and valued. This takes us to the point that as long as we carry out our duties with the intention to please Allah, and the work environment does not require us to compromise our practice as believing women, and stays in par with the natural ability and inclination God had intended for us, who is to dictate women in which field they can or cannot pursue?
The position of mothers With regard to the position of mothers, Allah specifically reminded mankind of their responsibilities due to their parents, especially the extra hardship and sacrifice from their mothers:
"And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: 'My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my offspring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will). '" (46:15)
Other rights of Muslim womenMuslim women were the first in the history of mankind to receive inheritance. They were guaranteed financial security for life. This means they have the right to be supported financially by their close male relatives all their lives. Women can have ownership of property. A woman can also earn an income and her earnings belong to her alone. She is free to dispose of her wealth in whichever manner she wishes. She is allowed to work in areas that do not compromise her practice as a believing woman, and as long as she does not put her marriage and children in disadvantage.
How about women in general? It is an undeniable fact that women have had no or low status in many societies and faiths throughout history, even to this day and age. I'd like to share some interesting information with you for you to take away and reflect upon. In an article I read very recently, Dr. Sherif Muhammad, compared women's rights according to the three monotheistic religions. At the end of his paper, he quoted from a pamphlet issued by the Dean of Women's office at Queen's University: that "In Canada, a woman is sexually assaulted every 6 minutes; 1 in 3 women in Canada will be sexually assaulted at some time in their lives; 1 in 4 women are at the risk of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime; and 1 in 8 women will be sexually assaulted while attending college or university; and a study found that 60% of Canadian university-aged males said they would commit sexual assault if they were certain they wouldn’t get caught."
This led me to look into the statistics in Australia. From a Women's Safety survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2.6 million women had experienced one or more incidents of physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, of which, 2.5 million were perpetrated by men. 77% of victims of homicide are women and male offenders are responsible for 80% of these cases. (ABS 1996)
A global report released by Human Rights Watch on Women revealed an appalling record of abuses against the world's women. Despite government pledges to respect women's human rights, the report concluded that the abuse is often a result of the active participation or deliberate indifference of governments. The kinds of abuse include soldiers or security officers rape women as a tool of war or political repression; police and border guards traffick women into force prostitution; soldiers and camp administrators commit violence and discrimination against refugee and displaced women; guards rape women in prisons and jails; and police and courts turn a blind eye to violence and discrimination in the workplace, at home, and in the context of carrying out reproductive and sexual policies.
We cannot deny a hard fact that men are physically stronger than women. This leads me to the discussion, briefly on the difference in appearance between Muslim men and women. God commands us to cover, for many good reasons. Allah says in the Qur'an regarding women's code of dress, that "they should be known as believing women so as not to be annoyed." (33:59). By covering up our beauty, by leaving our adornments at home, by facing the public with only what is absolutely necessary, we expand our personal space to a larger perimeter; the strict dress code is aimed at protecting the believing women from assault and other harms. By lowering our gaze and checking our manner of communication, that is our tone of voice and the content of our conversation, we
reduce the chances of uninvited intrusion.
The hijab, instead of it being an imprisonment, is seen by Muslim women as liberation, that we gain control over whom is allowed to see our beauty, and whom do we display our charm to. This code of dress and behaviour, protects us from unwanted attention, which further protects us from harmful violation which we do not have strength to fight against if and when it happens.
In the same token, Muslim men are instructed to lower their gaze, guard their chastity, dress and behave in modesty, to deserve the special companionship of their wives who preserved themselves for their eyes only. You can see everything is reciprocated. The rights and responsibilities go hand in hand with each other. The long term benefit for all these injunctions is that the society is protected from sexual exploitation and promiscuity. The bond of marriage is strengthened, and hence less broken marriages, and hence less troubled children. The rippling benefits of Islamic teachings always go way beyond what meets the eye, if one takes the time to ponder and reflect. Reference:
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 4:41 am"
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Friday, March 17, 2006
haaa..jgn terkejut...mesti sume org tetibe ingat saye ade masalah identiti...tetibe bertukar citarasa pada Simple Plan plak? tak de seorang sahabat ni die memang beriye-iye rekemen lagu ni kat saye...kate lirik die best dan memberi pengajaran...tak, bagi meraikan sahabat ini, dengar la lagu ini...
Ada jugak la lagu omputih yang elok lirik die dan boleh la extract pengajaran daripadanya...bagus2...diorang pun sedar ada something wrong dengan dunia skrang nih...kite kalau tak sedar tu, agaknye ape la sebabnye ek?
Bagus jugak la lirik nih...kalau nak dibandingkan dengan nasyid jiwang karat tah pape tah...melaghokan ade la...[I mean kebanyakan nasyid zaman skrang la...tak la sume..kalau nasyid zaman 80-an, 90-an tu bagus..meniupkan semangat juang, lebih menginsafkan dan nilai2 positif yg lain insyaALlah]
"Is anybody gonna save me?" sape ye patut menyelamatkan pakcik penyanyi ni dan dunia skrang? kalau Islam diamalkan mcm zaman kita memerintah 2 per 3 dunia dulu, sejarah keamanan dunia mungkin berulang iznillah...setuju tak? [sape tak tahu sejarah memang la tak setuju..huhu...blaja2 sejarah...sejarah tu penting!]
Tapi orang Islam sekarang pun tak paham Islam sepenuhnya termasuk la saye sendiri...masih banyak yang perlu dipelajari...tapi kite tak mahu blaja...masih nak deny hati kecil yang sering mengutarakan sesuatu yang mengajak kepada kebaikan...kalau RasuluLlah s.a.w ada sekarang, mesti Baginda sedih tengok kite ni...huhu...
Ok la...cukup la bebelan saye buat entry kali ini...kalau ape2 yg saye tulis dan pastekan dalam entry ni membawa lebih banyak keburukan dari kebaikan, saye berlindung dari kemurkaan ALlah s.w.t...moga ALlah Ta'ala mengampuni kesilapan diri ini...ameen...

It doesn't make sense to me!
Artist: Simple Plan
Title: Crazy
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look, I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
They won't stop till they've reached their dreams
Diet pills, surgery
Photoshopped pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should be
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
I guess things are not how they used to be
There's no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it's World War III
No one cares, no one's there
I guess we're all just too damn busy
And money's our first priority
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Is everybody going crazy?
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUVs
While kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something, something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 10:22 pm"
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
SEGENGGAM TABAHAssalamu'alaikum...
satu lagi lagu yg berjaya mencuri hati ini. Sedih bile dgr lagu nih...terasa tidak tabah langsung diri ini...hmm...putus asa bukan sifat orang mu'min...kene selalu doa semoga kita tergolong dalam hamba-hamba ALlah yang redha dengan segala ketentuan takdirNYA...kebergantungan pada ALlah is the key thing. Kesimpulannya, pasti berbalik ke benda yang sama iaitu keyakinan kita kepada ALlah, kepercayaan kita kepada ALlah, keterimaan kita bahawa ALlah itu pencipta kita dan DIA mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Hmm...Tak mengapalah jika kita susah sedikit di dunia, moga di akhirat nanti kita beroleh kesenangan yang kekal dan abadi. Bersyukur jika diri ditimpa ujian, sebab bukan semua orang dapat peluang sama macam kita. Nikmatnya ujian ini, bila kita rasa dekatnya kita dengan DIA. Maka bersyukurlah kerana ALlah masih sayangkan kita sebenarnya. Akhir sekali ingin saya share satu kata-kata yang memang memberi semangat kepada saya bila tiba masa saya berada di bawah roda kehidupan:
"Orang mu'min itu jiwanya damai dah tidak mudah tergoncang...Ujian hidup baginya fitrah, sebagai mehnah...didikan terus dari ALlah sebagai tanda kasih sayang dan penghapus dosa..."
Moga semua orang tabah dalam menghadapi apa jua ujian dan cabaran. Kembalikan ingatan kita padaNYA, insyaALlah di saat itu terasa kemanisannya...[peringatan buat diri sendiri nih khususnya]
p/s: lirik best, saye suke...ito lara yg tulis...terima kasih tak terkata buat eli yg bagi saye lagu nih...sape nak lagu nih, sila download kat link nih:
Bagaikan camar pulang senja...Patah sayapnya tetap terbang jua
Bertali arus dugaan tiba
Menakung sebak airmata
Namun tak pernah pun setitis
Gugur berderai di pipi
Tidak ditempah hidup sengsara
Suratan nasib yang melanda
Menongkah badai bergelora
Diredah bersendirian
Bagaikan camar pulang senja
Patah sayapnya tetap terbang jua
Sekadar secicip rezeki
Buat yang sedang rindu menanti
Segenggam tabah dipertahankan
Buat bekalan di perjalanan
Kau bebat luka yang berdarah
Kau balut hati yang calar
Telah tertulis suratan nasibmu
Derita buatmu ada hikmahnya
Terlukis senyum di bibir lesu
Tak siapa tahu hatimu
Biarpun keruh air di hulu
Mungkinkah jernih di muara
Biarpun jenuh hidup dipalu
Pasti bertemu tenangnya
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 12:27 am"
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Tahniah kepada akhi Mokhzani Mokhtar dan ukhti Wan Nur Asyura Wan Adnan yang bakal mendirikan rumahtangga pada hari Sabtu, 11 Mac 2006. Harap-harapnya kad saye sampai la ye... =) Moga lebih teguh, tsabat dan semangat dalam perjuangan lepas nih...
Barakallah laka, wa barakallahu alaika wa jamaa bainakuma fi kulli khair
"Semoga Allah memberi barakah bagi kamu dan memberkati keluarga kamu, dan mengumpulkan kamu dalam kebaikan dan kepada kebaikan..."
Ingin memberitahu pada minggu depan diri ini agak sibuk dengan assessments yg berderet...Dan agak pening kepala kerana masih tidak bersedia...[tapi ade hati update blog tu...chronic heart disease btol la balqis nih..hmm tu namenye tengah serabut...]
10/03/2006 - Deadline PPD assignment
14/03/2006 - Transport [Summative assessment]
15/03/2006 - Presentation: Chronic Illness [Summative assessment]
16/03/2006 - MCQ Intergrated Exam [Formative assesment]
Maka, sungguh la baru je siapkan PPD punye assignment. Tu pun tak touch up lagi. Oleh itu, sila mendoakan saye survive..huhu..kecuakan melanda...
Bagi kak skip, saye dah try send lagu tu kat email yg akak kasi, tapi gagal. So, bagi sesape yg nak lagu cinta teragung nih, boleh la download kat link nih dalam masa seminggu sahaja...'alam...
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 6:18 pm"
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Sunday, March 05, 2006
Walaupun isu ini sudah agak berminggu-minggu, tapi saye masih merasakan saye tidak melakukan ape2 yg significant untuk perkara ini..iaitu isu karikatur junjungan mulia kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w....Last week, I attended a talk entitled
Actions speak louder than cartoons-the real Muhammad (pbuh) [uni saye baru je abis Discover Islam Week]...The speaker mentioned some real characteristics of our beloved prophet s.a.w...cthnya: macam mana Rasulullah s.a.w. layan kanak2 [yg sungguh sweet dan baik], sirah-sirah yang menunjukkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. ni seorang yg sangat patient and easygoing person dan bila masa yang Rasulullah s.a.w ni jadi sangat2 marah. Penceramah menyeru semua yang hadir untuk tanya kepada diri kita sendiri, kita tahu ke tidak sume characteristics junjungan kita yang kita claim kita sayang kat Baginda s.a.w. nih...kalau tahu, adekah kita menyampaikan apa yg kita tahu ni kepada orang lain sampai mereka tidak ada misconceptions atau pun kurang la tahap kesalahtafsiran mereka terhadap junjungan besar kite Nabi Muhammad s.a.w....Dan ada orang bertanya kepada beliau ttg isu kartun tu dan apa yang patut kita buat atau react? Dan jawapan beliau ialah:
"We will hold responsible for what we have done or we haven't done about that issue...Do we show the pure image of prophet Muhammad s.a.w. before and after the publication of cartoon? Have we told our neighbours about prophet Muhammad s.a.w.? Have we acted on a way that people won't misunderstood the teachings of our beloved prophet s.a.w? We claim we love our prophet s.a.w. but what do we know about him?"So, isu karikatur ni tidak terkubur dengan hanya berdemonstrasi, bukan hanya dengan merengus marah, tapi perlu diteruskan dengan sebenar-benar rasa sayang dan cinta kita kpd Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...Maka, perlu diingat, ada saham kita sebagai umat islam yg menyebabkan junjungan mulia kita digambarkan sebegitu rupa. Perlu dilakukan sesuatu..perlu diusahakan sesuatu...perlu perlu dan perlu...tidak cukup sekadar bertindak mengikut musim...peringatan utk diri saye sendiri khususnya....harapnya diri ini makin rajin berusaha menerusi blog dhoif ini...
Pape hal pun, jom kita bace sirah nabi...sungguh terharu melihat kemurnian hati Baginda dan kebergantungan Baginda kepada ALlah s.w.t....sama2lah kite amik iktibar...
Rasulullah s.a.w.'s journey to Taif
RasullAllah (Sallallaho alaehe wasallam) had been delivering the message of Allah in Makkah and making all out efforts to guide and reform his community. Excepting a few persons who either embraced Islam or who helped him, though not accepting his creed, all the rest in Makkah left no stone unturned in persecuting and deriding him and his followers. His uncle Abu Talib was one of those good-hearted people who helped him in spite of his not entering the fold of Islam.
The following year, on the death of Abu Talib, the Quraish got a free hand and therefore, accelerated their sinister activities without check and hindrance. At Taif, the second biggest town of Hijaz, there lived Banu Thaqif. RasullAllah (Sallallaho alaehe wasallam) left for Taif in the hope of winning them over to Islam, and also establishing a base for the future propagation of Islam. On reaching Taif he visited the three chieftains of the clan separately, and placed before each of the message of Allah, and called upon him to stand by his (Prophets') side. Instead of accepting his message, they refused even to listen to him and not withstanding the proverbial Arab hospitality, each of them treated him most contemptuously and rudely. They plainly told him that they did not like his stay in their town. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaehe Wasallam) had expected a civil, even a cordial treatment and due courtesy in speech from them, as they were the heads of the clan. But none of them sneered:
"Hey, Allah has made you a Prophet!"
The other exclaimed with derision
"Could Allah not lay His hands on anyone else, other than you, to make him his Prophet?"
The third one gibed at him
"I do not want to talk to you, for if you are in fact a Prophet, then to oppose you is to invite trouble and if you, only pretend to be one, why should I talk to an imposter?"
RasullAllah (Sallallaho alaehe wasallam) who was a rock of steadfastness and perseverance did not loose his heart over this rebuilt from the chieftains, and tried to approach the common people; but nobody would listen to him. Instead they asked him to clear off from their town and go wherever else he liked. When he realized that further efforts were in vain, he decided to leave the town. But they would not let him depart in peace, and set the street urchins after him, to hiss, to hoot, to jeer at, at to stone him. He was so much pelted with stones that his body was covered with blood and his shoes were clogged to his feet. He left the town in this woeful plight. When he was far out of the town and safe from the rabble, he prayed to Allah thus:
"O my Allah! To Thee I complain of the feebleness of my strength, of my lack of resources and being unimportant in the eyes of people. O Most Merciful of all those capable of showing mercy! Thou art the Lord of the weak, and Thou art my own Lord. To whom art Thou to entrust me; to an unsympathetic foe who would sullenly frown at me, or to an alien to whom Thou hast given control over my affairs? Not in least do I care for anything except that I may have Thy protection for myself. I seek shelter in your light- the light which illuminates the Heaven and dispels all sorts of darkness, and which controls all the affairs in this worlds as well as in the Hereafter. May it never be that I should incur Thy wrath, or that Thou should be displeased with me. I must remove the cause of Thy displeasure till Thou art pleased. There is neither strength nor power but through Thee."
The Heavens were moved by the prayer and Jibrail (Alahis Salaam) appeared before RasullAllah (Sallalhualahewalahiwasalam) greeting him "Assalmoalaikum" and said:
"Allah knows al that has passed between you and these people. He has deputed an angel in charge of the mountain to be at your command."
Saying this Jibrail (alhaye Salam) ushered the angel before Rasulullah (sallalaho alahey walahi wasallam). The angel greeted Rasulullah (sallala ho alahe walahi wasallam) and said:
"O, Prophet of Allah! I am at your service. If you wish, I can cause the mountains overlooking this town on both sides to collide with each other, so that all the people therein would be crushed to death, or you may suggest any other punishment for them."
The merciful and noble Prophet (Sallallahualahey walahi wasallam) said:
"Even these people do not accept Islam, I do hope from Allah that there will be persons from among their progeny who would worship Allah and serve His cause."
Behold the conduct of our noble Prophet (sallalla hu alahaye walahai wasallam), whom we profess to follow! We get so much irritated over a small trouble or a mere abuse from somebody that we keep on torturing and making our revenge throughout our lives in every possible manner.
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 5:00 am"
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006
OVERSEAS CAMP 2006Assalamu'alaikum...
dear adik2 akak sekalian,
huhu..walaupun agak terlewat mempromosi, akak promote jugak...jom ramai2 gi overseas camp nih...insyaALlah bermanfaat..i've attended it last year kat paroi. korang naik dua bas tau..sume gi camp nih.. =) best...byk mende yg bleh blajar...don't hesitate to go...carilah ilmu sedaya mungkin ye adik2 ku sayang.. =) Ni highlights overseas camp this year:
COURSE BASED-GUIDANCE; Engineering, Medicine, Accounting, Education
Overseas Camp 2006
4-5 March 2006
INTI College, Nilai, N.Sembilan
Yusnizan (019 3885305)
Azira (019 2733320)
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"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 8:15 am"
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