Friday, January 20, 2006
VIDEO TURN TO ISLAMAssalamu'alaikum...
worth sharing this video with everybody...oleh itu, sy letak kat blog saye linknye...bukak tau video nih..series tak tipu mesti terasa sesuatu...kalau tak rase pape tuh...hmm...kene check balik la hati kite sume...pekaba iman sume..huhu...insap2 tgk video nih...tengok tau..jgn tak tengok... salah satu mende yg sy suke dan terkesan bile tgk dan dgr video nih...a comment by Yasmine, a texas woman who reverted to islam...which personally i totally agree with her., jgn la dibangga-banggakan sangat diri kite ni islam yg lahir sebagai islam...syukur tu ye...memang sangat2 perlu dan patut...tapi
jgn complacent....byk yg kite tak tahu ttg agama Islam dan perlu kite pelajari...tah2 rukun islam ngan rukun iman pun tak lepas lagi tak?? huhu...isk3...
p/s: tu sy dgr dan ade yg words sy tak dapat tangkap..maaf..tapi tu la isi nye...
Narrator: She believes American converts can has a clearer view of islam than born muslims
Yasmine: I'm not claiming myself to be very good than born muslims but basically, because we are studying it for the first time ourselves and we're going straight to it and we are learning the truth of it and we're are able to know the truth from false more than sometimes born muslims. I think that we have the unique opportunity to help the people that born into the religion, to maybe encourage them to come back to the fundamentals of islam...
part yg last tu pun terharu jugak..huhu..kesimpulannye,
tengok la..highly recommended...wallahu'alam...
"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 9:51 pm"