M e n c a r i R e d h a I L a h i
Wednesday, November 23, 2005



There was a talk entitled POST RAMADHAN SYNDROME at Roger Steven Building yesterday at 5.15 p.m by Brother Usama. As we all know, everyone finds their iman and taqwa dips a few weeks after Ramadhan ends and the main objective of this talk is hopefully to be our booster shot to get us back to the prayer mat. I would like to share some of the points that I feel strongly about after listening to this enlightening talk especially to those who couldn't attend the talk [mainly to remind myself]..InsyaALlah...

The Holy Quran is the biggest and the holiest miracle from Allah s.w.t. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. to be passed on to the rest of mankind. People would say that they will believe in Allah s.w.t by heart when they see with their own eyes that the Red Sea parting and people can walk through the sea (Miracle of Prophet Musa a.s) and so as when they see dead people become alive with their own eyes (Miracle of Prophet Isa a.s.). Allah s.w.t has said that the Holy Quran is the biggest and the holiest miracle which He revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, i.e. they should believe in Allah s.w.t and His deen when they read the Quran, agree? But sadly, majority of people living in this earth do not want to admit this even we as muslims do not read, learn and practice the Quran and take this holiest miracle for granted.

There will be a time in where there won't be a single ayat in the muslims heart, even yaasiin or bismillahirrahmanirrahim..The younger generations only knows about kalimah Laa ilahaillallah from their parents and they do not know the actual meaning of the kalimah. Sisters don't even know that hijab is an obligation as a believer, yet they claim wearing hijab as a culture and are optional for them to wear them. [It seems like that is happening nowadays]. In order to preserve the quran in muslims heart, we have to read the quran and don't just read, but practice the content.

When the quran was revealed, democracy goes under Islam, imperialism goes under Islam, socialism goes under Islam and other systems goes under Islam..The dunia changed when al-Quran being revealed by Allah. Allah s.w.t creates us, and definitely He knows what's best for us, what's system is best for us, what's rules and regulations we should obey.

I was so impressed when he said about hijab very frankly even though there were quite a number of sisters who do not wear hijab came to his talk. He said that "It seems to me that a lot of you put a serious face on what I'm talking about. I'm not trying to offend any of you sisters. You are my sisters in Islam. This is an advice to you and really you should know that wearing hijab is Allah's command. Believe me if you are in trouble, I'm the first one who'll come and protect you, my sisters in Islam, biiznillah.." ----> that's nice, agree?

Unlike our people [through my observation], we tend to hesitate to advice our brothers and sisters on something that we think as "sensitive issues" to them. Brother Usama said, how many people from other religions, name it Nasara, Jews..they spread their religion in public without being apologetic because they believe their religion is true. But we muslims? We tend to say, "Owh, I'm not the scholars, that's not my duty to do so...What would other people think about me if I do so?" and the excuses go on and on. And we don't have that courage, that strength to do so..why is that happening? Probably our imaan is not strong enough, and we don't practice Islam fully although we claim we have done so.

He also mentioned about Surah Al-Jin. "Al-Jinn" is the name of this Surah as well as the title of its subject matter, for in it the event of the Jinn's hearing the Qur'an and returning to their people to preach Islam to them, has been related in detail. Come on...Even the jinn listen to Qur'an and return to their people to preach Islam to them..Human being is the best creature on the earth. Imagine if we do not do as what the jinn are doing; doesn't that indicate that we are worse than the jinn? [Speak to yourself balqis]

And last but not least, recitation of the Qur'an will bring sakinah [tranquility] to the recitor. Ala bizikrillahi tathmainnal qulub...Read al-Quran continuously, learn it and practice it in our daily life. May we become better muslims and mukmins from day to day. InsyaAllah...

p/s: Sorry for the grammatical errors. I don't bother to recheck the entry..heh..Ive got so much things to cover for this coming exam..do pray for our success okay? =)


"ToTaLLy BLanK selesai menaip @ 3:39 am"

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Beautifully written,, sometimes we care too much what others will feel eventhough it's obvious that they're not following the Quran..
ws warahmatullah...

jazakallah ya akh shah...

i've read the article entitled: JIWA DAI'E OTAK FAQIH written by ustaz hasrizal too. yeah..certainly i agree with what u've said in the comment. just amazed by his [bro usama] sincerity in talking about that topic. that doesn't matter...let's think about the root of the problem as u've said. perhaps whole lots of changes must be done in education of islamic subject in schools back in our country, name it primary or secondary or even kindergarten. whatever it is, something must be done...what is it? who are going to it? all these questions must be answered sincerely and after a thoughtful moment. rite? =) wallahu'alam...
p/s: typo---> who are going to do it?
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Peringatan buat diri sendiri:

61:2 O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not?

61:3 Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not



Segala puji bagi-Mu Tuhan.
Lantaran telah menjadikan aku seorang wanita...
Kiranya aku menjadi seorang isteri
Kurniakanlah padaku kekuatan
Menjadi tulang belakang seorang suami... seorang mujahid
Pengembang perjuangan di sayap kiri
Diadun dengan kelembutan
Menjadi teman sejati...
Sahabat setia penyejuk mata
Pembina semangat dan penguat jiwa
Seanggun peribadi Siti Khadijah
Ketenangan Baginda Rasulullah utusan Allah

Bebas jiwa dari belanggu keperempuanan
Yang memiliki sembilan nafsu
Merdeka dari kepentingan peribadi
Setulus Siti Fatimah yang sering ditinggalkan suaminya, Saidina Ali
Dihantar pemergiannya tanpa ditanya
Bilakah pulang?
Disambut kepulangannya dengan khidmat dan kemanisan
Bersulamkan kemesraan
Rumahtangga adalah syurga
Wadah suburnya cinta ketuhanan Ubudiyyah
Akal yang tunggal tidak dibiarkan
Hanya berlegar dicelahan periuk belanga
Disebalik lipatan lampin anak
Menjangkau kebangkitan Islam dialam sejagat
Menjadi pentadbir disebalik tabir !!!

Namun Ya Tuhan
Siapalah daku untuk memiliki
Watak wanita solehah pendamping Nabi
Dek berkaratnya mazmumah yang bersarang dihati
Maka kurniakanlah daku sekeping hati yang sentiasa Insaf
Hak seorang suami
Tidakkan mungkin kupenuhi
Biar telahku jilat nanahnya yang berlelehan
Biar telahku tadahkan wajahku
Buat mengesat debu ditelapak kakinya
Dan sememangnya aku mengimpikan
Watak seorang ibu
Yang bakal melahirkan
Putera-putera secekal Mus'ab bin Umar
Menggadai dunia demi kasih Tuhannya
Segigih Zubair Ibnu Awwaam
Yang diangkat Rasul sebagai hawarijnya
Hasil didikan seorang wanita bergelar ibu..
Jua memiliki puteri setabah Masyitah
Rela direbus demi mempertahankan iman
Atau sesuci Maryam seluruh hidupnya
Mengabdikan diri kepada Tuhan

Meskipun daku bukan ibunya
Yang memiliki peribadi semurni Siti Fatimah
Ibu Syeikh Abdul Kadir Jailani
Yang tiap titis darah mampu berzikir kehadrat Ilahi
Mudah-mudahan zuriatku
Bakal menampilkan
Mujahid-mujahid yang rindu memburu syahid
Serikandi-serikandi yang mampu memakmurkan
Mukabumi Allah...
Dengan ketaqwaan.. kesolehan

Yang saling berkorban dan dikorbankan
Buat menyemarakkan
Islam diakhir zaman
Sebagaimana kisah seorang ibu
Yang telah kematian
Putera-puteranya dimedan jihad

"Mereka telah berbahagia sebagaimana aku bahagia
aduhai... kiranya aku punya seorang anak lagi
kurelakan dia turut gugur dijalan Ilahi"

Dan seandainya daku ditakdirkan kehilangan mereka
Setenang Ummu Faisal...
Yang tidak menjadikan kematian
Suami dan anak-anaknya
Halangan kecintaan pada-Mu Ya Ilahi...

Redhalah daku yang dhaif ini sebagai hamba-Mu
Inilah pengaduan harap dan munajat
Kiranya kekasih-Mu sendiri pernah menyatakan
"kulihat kebanyakan dari isi neraka itu adalah wanita..."



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Feedback: Confusion

Dedicated to Sahabat2 seperjuangan

Cerpen-Adikku Sayang..Bercita-citalah

Annual General Meeting


Salam Idulfitr

Ia Bakal Meninggalkan Kita

Pancaran Nur Ilahi

Warna-warna Cinta

Seek to understand, then to be understood


*Ustaz Hasrizal
*Malaysia Today
*Faisal Tehrani


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